#1 Items
topThe line type gives the possibility to select items with different characteristics: codified item, it refers to codified items that are located on register and that can be accounted within analytical accounting and recorded on warehouse; Not codified item, it refers to descriptive items that can be accounted on analytical accounting, but that cannot be moved on warehouse; Charges Item, it refers to codified or not codified items and are summarized on documents, if charges item is codified and has fiscal interest, it will be moved on warehouse, on the contrary, it will not be moved on warehouse; Notes Item, it is a simple note, it does not influence accounting and warehouse. These data can be inserted automatically when class or matrix are inserted directly because the line type “codified item” is selected automatically.
Code: it refers to “barcode item code” inserted on Items, tab “Barcode Code”. At the moment of the insertion the program takes automatically the associated item with all data of its register. The insertion of class or matrix can be occurred manually or thanks to the use of “items help” (double click on yellow field) which will propose all the related data inserted into item register. After the insertion of item, its description will be taken automatically by register. If item has variants, it will be necessary to select the variant desired by Variants combo box.
Unit of measure: it is possible to propose the main item unit of measure, but the user has the possibility to choose the alternative unit of measure.
Variants: it refers to the selected item variants, if available. The variant choice is necessary for items with this particular configuration, that can have a different price compared to the standard one proposed. Consequently the item price with variants can be different from the item price without variants. This may require the management of item variants on reference sales price list.
Quantity: it represents the main U.M. quantity; it can be inserted manually or it can be proposed automatically according to the alternative quantity and conversion factor.
Price: it is proposed by the price list inserted into vendor register; the reference price list for the same item can be viewed on “Totals” tab. The same purchase order could contain items with prices taken from different price lists, if on vendor register more price lists in cascade are associated (see customer/vendor register). Through a double click on Price Lists field (“Totals” tab) the user has the possibility to select a different offer compared to the one proposed automatically, starting from which it will be possible to use price of the inserted item. Without price list, data proposed could be taken from the last cost of item register, if on parameters “Zero Cost if price lists are missing” is not set.
VAT: it is a priority data inserted on VAT field of vendor register. If this is not present, it is possible to propose the value that is on item register. It is an obligatory field.
Purchase Turnover: it is possible to propose data inserted on “Generality” tab of items register. If this is not present, no data are proposed, but at the moment of invoice accounting, the value inserted on “Offset Cost/Revenue (def.)” field will be considered on customer register.
Alternative Unit of Measure: it is possible to propose the U.M. on alternative U.M. of item register with “default” flag set.
Alternative Quantity: it is possible to propose value related to the alternative U.M., calculated by multiplying or dividing the operational quantity (related to the main U.M.) together with conversion factor set on item register.
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013